Our Totem Total Wellness Package is designed for the exercise enthusiast who is experiencing any kind of physical pain, inflexibility and tightness in the muscles and joints, or who would simply like to take their current exercise program to the next level.
This package includes:
- Comprehensive Holistic Lifestyle Assessment
- Comprehensive Medical, Physical, Postural and Breathing Assessment
- Customized Sport Specific Exercise Design, Stretching and Mobilization Program – Includes:
- Face-to face corrective exercise training and postural retraining
- Functional primal pattern integration
- Infant development integration
- Video instruction
- Weekly Program Monitoring
Follow up blocks of training include:
- Physical and Postural Re-Assessment
- Continued Progression of Customized Exercise Program
- Ongoing Face to Face Exercise Instruction
- Weekly Program Monitoring
One-on-one hands-on treatment or coaching:
- Physiotherapy
- Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching